Etiqueta del plugin: word count
Reading Time WP
(20 total de valoraciones)Reading Time WP creates an estimated reading time of your posts that is inserted above the content or by using a shortcode.
Sortable Word Count Reloaded
(10 total de valoraciones)Adds a sortable column to the posts and pages admin list with the word count of each page/post.
Just Writing Statistics
(4 total de valoraciones)Calculate your writing statistics on your WordPress site.
Dashboard Wordcount
(4 total de valoraciones)Updates the Dashboard's At a Glance widget to show the total word count of all the published posts and age of this WordPress website.
Simply Excerpts
(2 total de valoraciones)A simple plugin for exceprts that allows you to change the word count and to replace the elipsis (…) with text. Not compatible with all themes.
Post Admin Word Count
(6 total de valoraciones)Adds a sortable column to the admin's post manager, displaying the word count for each post.
(2 total de valoraciones)With Timify, let your audience know about the last modified date, publish date, and reading time of your articles. You can also customize each setting …
Post Word Counter – Content Insights Dashboard
(1 total de valoraciones)The Word Counter plugin offers a dedicated dashboard view that tracks the word count, post count, pages wordcount, and custom post types across your e …
Word Count Analysis
(1 total de valoraciones)A simple but useful plugin that gives the word count of your articles.
Reading Time
(3 total de valoraciones)Reading Time shows the estimated reading time and puts an animated progress bar inside the post.
Asian Word Count
(0 total de valoraciones)Asian Word Count is a plugin for WordPress that gives you word count statistics for your blog's posts and pages which supports Asian languages.
WordPress File Word Counter
(2 total de valoraciones)License URI: Count number of words and characters in uploaded file.
Name: Word Counter
(1 total de valoraciones)Wordcounter replaces wordpress's built in word counter feature and adds a character count as well.
Post Stats
(0 total de valoraciones)Statistics about posts length and reading time on dashboard and/or sidebar widget. Optionally, display estimated reading time before each post.
Article Read Time Lite – WordPress plugin for displaying total reading time and progress bar
(0 total de valoraciones)Calculate and display total reading time| Calculate and display Characters and Words | Progress Bar
Simple Word Count and Reading time
(0 total de valoraciones)Display word count and reading time on your article with a nice and clean like YouTube progress bar.
Word Count and Social Shares
(2 total de valoraciones)This Wordpress plugin will work as part of wp-admin and report on correlation between word count and social shares.
My Reading Time Lite
(1 total de valoraciones)Reading Time lite plugin enables an estimated reading time that inserted above or bottom in post. Insert anywhere using shortcode too.
Wordcount Pro
(1 total de valoraciones)Displays wordcount below posts on front end of wordpress site.