Etiqueta del plugin: table of contents
Seo Friendly Table of Contents
(0 total de valoraciones)A simple seo friendly table of contents plugin that does not require editing in your themes source code.
Sticky TOC – Advance Table Of Contents
(2 total de valoraciones)Sticky TOC is a powerful Wordpress plugin for creating automatic Table Of Content. It scans headings through the post content automatically and create …
Author: António Andrade
(6 total de valoraciones)Handles naming of each post page through a TinyMCE button and produces a Table of Contents for the said post.
LH Table of Contents
(1 total de valoraciones)create a wiki like TOC (table of contents) in your posts or pages using shortcode.
TinyMCE Table of Contents
(0 total de valoraciones)Completely automated and instantaneous way of generating tables of contents for posts.
Site Table of Contents
(0 total de valoraciones)Site Table of Contents plugin allows a users to easily create a page that lists all posts and their respective categories in an easy to use and dynami …
(3 total de valoraciones)Automaticly builds a Table of Contents using headings (h1-h6) in post/page/CPT content.
Bg Book Publisher
(1 total de valoraciones)The plugin helps you to publish big book with a detailed structure of chapters and sections and forms table of contents of the book.
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin provides a shortcode to display the table of contents and reading time on all posts and pages displayed on the_content.
WP Section Index
(0 total de valoraciones)Create a table of contents in a widget for the current page or blog post, using headings from the content.
WP Table of Contents
(1 total de valoraciones)WP Table of Contents plugin creates a "table of contents" of your post.
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin automatically creates a table of contents based on html headings in content.
jcwp simple table of contents
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin gives options to display "Table of contents" container on your wordpress post or page
(0 total de valoraciones)Parses HTML for sections demarcated by heading elements, wraps them in HTML5 section elements, and generates table of contents with links to each.
Icon Table of Contents and Menus
(0 total de valoraciones)Provides an icon at the top of the page which, when expanded, provides a table of contents with bookmarks to all of the main h tags in the content.
A.N.R.GHG Publishing Toolkit
(0 total de valoraciones)Among the Swiss Army knives completing WordPress, this one helps reduce GHG. AMP compatible. Table of contents, fragment IDs for paragraphs, notes and …
MD Table of Contents Generator
(1 total de valoraciones)Plugin to automatically generate a table of contents based on Headings tags.
MK Table of Contents
(0 total de valoraciones)This Plugin adds a TOC to a post via the shortcode [toc].